Easy, One Pot Chicken and Vegetable Bake

If time is your reason for not cooking fresh quality real food then you need recipes that you can throw together in around 5 min. This chicken dish is a prime example of a fully nutritious meal that can be prepped in about the same time it takes you to get the ready meal out of the freezer. Then whilst its cooking you can get back to your blog or whatever it is that making you so busy.
Serves 2
- 2 chicken breasts
- 1 large courgette
- 100g chestnut mushrooms
- 100g cherry Tomatoes
- 1 red onion
- 1 yellow bell pepper
- 1 orange bell pepper
- Black olives
- Italian herb mix
- Drizzle of olive oil
- Drizzle of balsamic vinegar
Place the chicken breasts in a pan and then just chop all the veg and put it all over the chicken. Then sprinkle the herbs and drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the lot.
Throw it in the oven for around 40mins on gas mark 5, 190°C or 375°F.
Thats it, all done.
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